Here we break down the Top 5 Best One Shot Build in Elden Ring, featuring the highest damage strength, arcane, bleed, mage and poison build, with them you literally flattened numerous bosses with one single hit.
Elden Ring Top 5 Best One Shot Boss Builds (Highest One-Hit Damage Builds)
Want to kill the hardest boss with one highest DSP hit in Elden Ring? If so, you are right here! In this Elden Ring guide, we go over the most meta one-hit boss builds which will make the boss will not stand a chance against you and obliterate anything that comes your way whether it be single targets or whether it be just one particular boss you need to focus on. So if you want to find out how to put this one shot builds together and the pieces you need to make each of them work well, keep reading the guide and find out.
Top 1 - Best One Shot Bleed Build
Since the latest update, a new meta weapon: Rivers of Blood in particular has dominated the Elden Ring, the katana that is as brutal as it is stylish. The latest build developed around this weapon relies on the strong bleeding damage and many buffs that work together, which currently dominates everything in PvE and PvP.
How to build the One Shot Rivers of Blood Build:
Stats (Attributes)
Vigor: 60
Mind: 15-20
Endurance: 25
Strength: 18
Dexterity: 45
Intelligence: 9
Faith: 8
Arcane: 50
Right Weapon 1: Rivers of Blood
Right Weapon 2: Godskin Peeler with Ash of War: Seppuku
Left Weapon 1: Bloody Nagakiba with Ash of War: Seppuku
Left Weapon 2: Buckler
Head: White Mask
Other Armor: Ronin's Set (Aesthetic Choice)
Talisman 1: Shard of Alexander
Talisman 2: Lord Of Blood's Exultation
Talisman 3: Rotten Winged Sword Insignia
Talisman 4: Carian Filigreed Crest
Top 2 - Best One Shot Mage Build
This is a one-shot build that's going to make you fall in love with your mage because you're going to be able to be doing a ton of damage, casting your magic really fast and easily. In addition to that, you will be able to kill multiple enemies at once whether you're fighting enemies up close or whether you're fighting just one particular single target. This build is not so FB consumable where you have multiple weapons to actually do a good amount of damage whether you're just fighting one particular enemy.
How to build the Highest Damage Mage Build:
Stats (Attributes)
Vigor: 40
Mind: 50
Endurance: 10
Strength: 11
Dexterity: 20
Intelligence: 80
Faith: 10
Arcane: 10
Right Weapon 1: Lazuli Glinstone Sword with Ash of War: Glintstone Pebble
Left Weapon 1: Garian Regal Scepter
Head: Twinsage Glintstone Crown
Other Armor: Any Mage Set You Want (Aesthetic Choice)
Talisman 1: Magic Scorpion Charm
Talisman 2: Graven-Mass Talisman
Talisman 3: Goldfrey Icon
Talisman 4: Graven-School Talisman
Flask of Wondrous Physick Mix: Flask of Cerulean Tear
Rock Sling & Meteorite of Astel
Top 3 - Best Strenght One Shot Build
This build focuses primarily on strength and raw damage, with it you're going to destroy anything that gets in your path. With just a little bit of faith though, we can actually get extra damage on this build and not only increase our offense but also have ways to increase our defense as well. We've managed to one to two-shot pretty much every mini-boss in this game and most of the main bosses don't stand a chance either. Your damage output on this build is going to be insane, your defense is going to be incredible and nothing is going to get in your way making this one of the best strength builds in elderly!
How to build the Highest DPS Strenght Build:
Stats (Attributes)
Vigor: 60
Mind: 25
Endurance: 60
Strength: 80
Dexterity: 25
Intelligence: 15
Faith: 40
Arcane: 15
Right Weapon 1: Heavy Giant-Crusher with Ash of War: Royal Knight's Resolves
Left Weapon 1: Prelate's Heavey Inferno Crozier with Ash of War: Royal Knight's Resolves
Left Weapon 2: Clawmark Seal
Armor Set: Raptor's Black Feathers
Talisman 1: Great-Jar's Arsenal
Talisman 2: Dragoncrest Greatsheield Talisman
Talisman 3: Claw Talisman
Talisman 4: Green Turtle Talisman
Wondrous Physick Mix: Stonebarb Cracked Tear & Geenburst Crystal Tear
Quick Item 2: Flask of Wondrous Physick
Golden WoW & Flame, Grant Me Strength
Top 4 - Best Poison Claw One Shot Build
Why couldn't claws do over 4 000 damage to Godfrey in one swing? The answer is they can! Due to one specific interesting interaction, you can really push this not just as a one-shot mechanic even but as something that you can reapply every single strike as an effective combat style. The build trick here is the way that both claws and fist weapons interact with weapon buffs, when you two-hand these weapons you take out a second one, and for whatever reason when you apply a weapon buff to one of these and use it in two-handed mode the weapon buff understandably applies to both hands. But the weird part is that it essentially doubles the effectiveness of this for some reason, for scholars' armament, it gives twice as much bonus magic damage as it would with any other weapon; and with royal night's resolve as the ash of war, you can make a weapon capable of throwing many bosses aside in merely a hit or two. A weapon that can by simply pressing one different button hit with blinding speed and also apply poison. This build used in this way that we recommend here does ridiculous damage that unless you go out of your way to apply the poison, you will just straight up kill the boss before it even happens.
How to build the Ash of War & Weapon Combo One Shot Build:
Stats (Attributes)
Vigor: 60
Mind: 15
Endurance: 15
Strength: 80
Dexterity: 15
Intelligence: 9
Faith: 25
Arcane: 10
Right Weapon 1: Heavy Venomous Fang with Ash of War: Royal Knight's Resolves
Left Weapon 1: Heavy Venomous Fang with Ash of War: Royal Knight's Resolves
Seals: Aired Tree Seal, Dragon Communion Seal, Frenzied Flame Seal
Head: Mushroom Crown
Talisman 1: Blue Dancer Charm
Talisman 2: Kindred of Rot's Exultation
Talisman 3: Axe Talisman
Talisman 4: Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman
Flask of Wondrous Physick Mix: Spiked Cracked Tear, Thorny Cracked Tear (PVE), Leaden Hardtear (PVP)
Quick Item 2: Flask of Wondrous Physick
Golden WoW & Flame, Grant Me Strength
Top 5 - Best Arcane One Shot Build
For those of you that may be new to Elden Ring, arcane focus heavily on bleed specifically blood loss and bleed damage. As you continue to level up your arcane and use weapons with arcane scaling for example the incredible weapon Mohgwyn's Sacred Spear in the gameplay footage, the further you progress your character, the more blood loss will occur and you will do lots of bleed damage. Mohgwyn's Sacred Spear to be specific does a lot of damage and has a huge area of effect and it's not only effective against mobs of enemies but very effective against higher-level enemies and bosses. This build also takes full advantage of fast-paced, melee combat using the Scavenger's Blood Curved Swords. The scavenger sword is a great weapon overall because it starts with bloodlust buildup, it scales evenly with strength and dexterity, so you can choose either route. Also, this weapon has great combat capabilities - an amazing lunge attack, a very good jump attack, and very fast dual wield attacks, with both of these simultaneously allowing for very fast blood loss and lots of damage. This build has incredible amounts of dps, it's going to make the game very easy for you and most importantly it's going to turn you into a killing machine, making this one of the best arcane builds in Elden Ring now.
How to build the Highest DSP Arcane Build:
Stats (Attributes)
Vigor: 60
Mind: 25
Endurance: 30
Strength: 72
Dexterity: 18
Intelligence: 10
Faith: 25
Arcane: 80
Right Weapon 1: Scavenger's Blood Curved Sword with Ash of War: Seppuku
Right Weapon 2: Mohgwyn's Sacred Spear with Ash of War: Bloodboon Ritual
Left Weapon 1: Heavy Venomous Fang with Ash of War: Royal Knight's Resolves
Seal: Dragon Communion Seal
Seals: Aired Tree Seal, Dragon Communion Seal, Frenzied Flame Seal
Head: White Mask
Other Armor: Knox Swordstress Armor (Use any for cosmetic)
Talisman 1: Shard of Alexander
Talisman 2: Rotten Winged Sword Insignia
Talisman 3: Green Turtle Talisman
Talisman 4: Lord of Blood's Exultation
Flask of Wondrous Physick Mix: Flame-Shrouding Cracked Tear, Greenburst Crystal Tear
Flame, Grant Me Strength & Bestial Vitality, Golden VoW